Dr Stefan Hasenböhler started his career in 2002 as an attorney-at-law and Vice President at KPMG in Zurich. He then joined Horizon 21 Alternative Investments, where he was a Director and Head of Legal Structuring. In 2008, he joined Reichmuth & Co Investment Management AG (RIMAG), where he initially held the position of Head Legal. In 2012, he founded and expanded the dedicated infrastructure platform of RIMAG. In recent years, Dr Hasenböhler has successfully built several platform companies in the railway sector and has been managing the infrastructure business of RIMAG as CEO and Head of Infrastructure for over 12 years. In addition to his management role, he takes an active role on the boards of directors of various portfolio companies in the transport sector and has initiated and implemented numerous collaborations with various original equipment manufacturers. Dr. Stefan Hasenböhler holds a doctorate in law from the University of Basel and New York University.